January 14, 2023
Arkansas-Randal Tyson Track Center - Fayetteville, AR
200m (Banked)

Girls' 4 x 400 Relay

1 Wings A Nia Parks, Michaela Mouton, Randi Beckham, Brianna Brinkley 3:50.24 3:34.13 4:47.80 3:15.71
2 Jenks A Olivia Granderson, Rachel Cornell, Magnolia Crissup 3:54.43 4:31.94 3:30.99 2:51.14
3 Team Quest A Kyla Lewis, Isabella Dellinger, Myla Canty, Ivana Odonkor 3:55.84 3:39.34 4:35.94 3:25.18
4 Allen A Jayda Johnson, Sidney Green, Mia McGlade, Sahara Tasker 3:57.59 4:47.49 3:36.21 4:02.35
5 Lucas Lovejoy A Amy Morefield, Bella Landrum, Kailey Littlefield, Mia Reaugh 3:59.31 2:59.49 4:51.96 3:37.78
6 Triple Crown A Jordan Jackson, Jayden Lightford, Josephina Catlet, Zakiya Hill 4:01.09 4:51.72 3:34.57 4:34.85
7 St. Louis Blues A NeVaeh Bryant, Aniyah Brown, Charlye Moody, Kyndall Harrington-Spai 4:02.09 3:25.78 5:09.88 3:20.94
8 Lake Charles College Prep A Alaysia Reed, Aika Jackson, Amari Sambolah, Jayla Mason 4:03.97 3:34.70 4:01.53 3:00.54
9 Leander Spartans A Zya Gibbs, Aaliyah Barnes, Mya Harris, Claire Cook 4:04.47 2:51.13 2:51.13 3:32.69
10 Bentonville A Paisley Hight, Devyn O'Daniel, Allison Fernstrom, Sydney Esterer 4:04.67 3:25.53 4:34.03 4:36.48
11 Real Training A Gabrielle Shepston, Eliana Henriques, Julia Rudolph, Kimora Northrup 4:04.96 3:47.82 4:17.21 4:07.41
12 East Texas Infinity A Brianna Dzudie, Kyra Taylor, Rayvin Stansell, DaNaucia Johnson 4:05.15 5:11.34 3:40.64 2:54.06
13 Team Quest
B Nora Ryan, Jalyn Childers, Justice Story, Taryn Stilson 4:05.19 2:56.54 3:18.61 4:12.55
14 Team AllStars A Kiara Granville, Amelliah Birdow, Mykala Williams, Aamerie Anderson 4:06.68 5:15.75 5:18.22 3:17.35
15 Edmond Santa Fe A Nia Moore, Amia Williams, Zoey Battles, Emmanuella Njenje 4:08.19 3:06.15 3:55.78 4:23.09
16 Wings
B Madison Sweezer, Tiffany Mugubi, Aniya Lee, Kamryn Rucker 4:09.16 2:56.91 4:31.59 4:24.11
17 Hot Feet Track Club A Emma Baum, Kamdyn Wedel, Kali Lester, Allison Kneller 4:14.30 5:12.79 3:20.90 3:10.73
18 Tallawah Track and Field A Hannah Hiers, Macie Diguiseppe, Avery Brown, Brooke Samuelson 4:14.45 4:47.53 5:05.34 4:17.00
19 Tulsa Speed A Zoe Pybas, Breanna Allen, Brynlee Durborow, Ally Huxtable 4:14.99 3:41.85 5:23.84 4:32.84
20 Born To Run (TX) A Ivy Parada, Jitzell Mora, Josie Blackwell, Faith Murphy 4:15.07 4:04.87 5:08.64 5:03.54
21 Southwest Christian (FW) A Aliyah Johnson, Evie Baker, Madison Larsen, Tacaria Brown 4:15.15 5:13.84 5:21.49 4:07.50
22 Lee's Summit West Track Club A Adee Broesder, Madison Cross, Kali Michael, Ella Cronhardt 4:16.14 5:25.30 3:37.72 4:44.32
23 North Texas Cheetahs A Kayla Effiong, Bostyn Baskin, Lauren Collier, Cydni Martin 4:16.82 3:17.76 5:18.46 4:52.78
24 Real Training
B Margaret Gillett, Ashlenn Baca, Kate Schmidthuber, Isabelle Lopez 4:18.28 4:46.69 4:20.87 4:38.95
25 Lucas Lovejoy
B Cambry Patrick, Morgan Streeter, Camryn Benson, Malia Bowling 4:20.51 3:07.57 3:46.65 3:20.60
26 Richmond Elite YTC A Belicia Delk, Joziane Govia, Chimela Azuike, Elyssa Rodarte 4:21.02 3:44.48 4:21.02 3:23.60
27 FS Southside A Caelynn Hodge, Cadence Hodge, Michaela Kaelin, Kaitlin Seiter 4:23.22 4:23.22 4:41.65 4:28.49
28 War Eagle Track Club A Caroline Osborne, Kathrine Toney, Ella Fosse, Gabby Cuccia 4:27.02 5:04.41 3:46.97 4:53.73
29 Lucas Lovejoy
D Taylor Person, Berkeley Mosel, Bailee Neatherlin, Jocelyn Chapman 4:27.06 4:21.72 4:32.41 4:48.43
30 Allen
B Olivia Stewart, Mackenzie Giles, Karis Nartey 4:27.96 3:29.01 3:20.97 3:26.33
31 Wings
C Lindsay Lewis, Reagan Thomas, Kaitlyn Elackatt, Dakota Sweezer 4:34.98 5:46.48 3:15.24 4:43.23
32 War Eagle Track Club
B Adara Bankson, Brenda Lemus, Jenny Garcia, Olivia Osborne 4:35.16 3:40.13 3:29.13 5:54.96
33 Hot Feet Track Club
B Kendall Crossley, Jaylie Hohman, Anna Bundy, Sophia Mosher 4:39.65 4:11.69 4:20.08 3:43.72
34 Tallawah Track and Field
B Jersy Nelke, Akili Bennett, Cristina Soto, Zoe Siemsen 4:58.00 5:12.90 3:58.40 4:22.24
  Speed and Grace Running School A Hannah Ruth Garrison, Emily Royce, Lyla Tiantawacha, Sloan Bock FS FS FS FS
  Lucas Lovejoy
C Addy McCaffity, Campbell Lester, Bridget Bernal, Lauren Dolberry DQ DQ DQ DQ
  Southwest Christian (FW)
B Timberlin Ste. Marie, Gwendolyn McDaniel, Brailey Bradford, Ashley McCutchen DQ DQ DQ DQ
  Greater Houston Track Club A Kayleigh Bowie, Journie Franklin, Camryn Clark, Kalen Goodman DNF DNF DNF DNF
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 1
1 Wings Parks, Mouton, Beckham, Brinkley 3:11.10 4:31.69 3:50.24 4:29.38
3 Team Quest Lewis, Dellinger, Canty, Odonkor 3:41.69 3:03.96 3:55.84 2:59.24
5 Lucas Lovejoy Morefield, Landrum, Littlefield, Reaugh 2:59.49 2:49.91 3:59.31 4:47.18
7 St. Louis Blues Bryant, Brown, Moody, Harrington-Spai 4:06.94 2:54.31 4:02.09 4:48.09
23 North Texas Cheetahs Effiong, Baskin, Collier, Martin 4:21.96 3:33.16 4:16.82 4:47.64
  Greater Houston Track Club Bowie, Franklin, Clark, Goodman DNF DNF DNF DNF
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 2
2 Jenks Granderson, Cornell, Crissup 2:53.48 3:54.43 4:08.50 4:27.25
4 Allen Johnson, Green, McGlade, Tasker 3:45.71 3:57.59 3:19.58 4:33.23
9 Leander Spartans Gibbs, Barnes, Harris, Cook 4:36.26 4:04.47 3:54.70 4:21.59
20 Born To Run (TX) Parada, Mora, Blackwell, Murphy 4:48.23 4:15.07 4:40.58 3:06.21
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 3
6 Triple Crown Jackson, Lightford, Catlet, Hill 3:34.57 4:20.38 4:15.56 4:49.31 4:46.90 4:01.09
11 Real Training Shepston, Henriques, Rudolph, Northrup 4:31.91 3:06.17 4:31.91 4:02.51 4:00.06 4:04.96
13 Team Quest
Ryan, Childers, Story, Stilson 3:43.13 3:06.35 3:13.70 4:02.74 4:51.78 4:05.19
15 Edmond Santa Fe Moore, Williams, Battles, Njenje 3:43.38 4:08.19 2:58.70 4:23.09 3:53.30 4:08.19
16 Wings
Sweezer, Mugubi, Lee, Rucker 5:16.44 3:09.37 3:11.86 3:41.76 3:41.76 4:09.16
26 Richmond Elite YTC Delk, Govia, Azuike, Rodarte 5:10.62 3:07.94 5:36.72 3:26.21 4:15.80 4:21.02
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 4
10 Bentonville Hight, O'Daniel, Fernstrom, Esterer 4:04.67 3:42.65 4:43.82
12 East Texas Infinity Dzudie, Taylor, Stansell, Johnson 4:05.15 4:32.12 3:11.22
18 Tallawah Track and Field Hiers, Diguiseppe, Brown, Samuelson 4:14.45 4:32.27 5:25.70
24 Real Training
Gillett, Baca, Schmidthuber, Lopez 4:18.28 4:49.28 5:15.11
31 Wings
Lewis, Thomas, Elackatt, Sweezer 4:34.98 4:04.74 5:40.98
  Speed and Grace Running School Garrison, Royce, Tiantawacha, Bock FS FS FS
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 5
8 Lake Charles College Prep Reed, Jackson, Sambolah, Mason 4:03.97
17 Hot Feet Track Club Baum, Wedel, Lester, Kneller 4:14.30
19 Tulsa Speed Pybas, Allen, Durborow, Huxtable 4:14.99
22 Lee's Summit West Track Club Broesder, Cross, Michael, Cronhardt 4:16.14
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 6
21 Southwest Christian (FW) Johnson, Baker, Larsen, Brown 4:10.05 4:15.15 3:44.54
25 Lucas Lovejoy
Patrick, Streeter, Benson, Bowling 4:56.99 4:20.51 5:38.67
27 FS Southside Hodge, Hodge, Kaelin, Seiter 3:38.48 4:23.22 5:18.50
28 War Eagle Track Club Osborne, Toney, Fosse, Cuccia 4:35.03 4:27.02 4:32.36
30 Allen
Stewart, Giles, Nartey 4:41.36 4:27.96 5:00.12
34 Tallawah Track and Field
Nelke, Bennett, Soto, Siemsen 4:01.38 4:58.00 5:57.60
Girls' 4 x 400 Relay Section 7
14 Team AllStars Granville, Birdow, Williams, Anderson 3:39.55 3:24.75 4:06.68
29 Lucas Lovejoy
Person, Mosel, Neatherlin, Chapman 4:59.11 3:28.31 4:27.06
32 War Eagle Track Club
Bankson, Lemus, Garcia, Osborne 3:53.89 5:46.71 4:35.16
33 Hot Feet Track Club
Crossley, Hohman, Bundy, Mosher 3:57.71 5:07.62 4:39.65
  Lucas Lovejoy
McCaffity, Lester, Bernal, Dolberry DQ DQ DQ
  Southwest Christian (FW)
Ste. Marie, McDaniel, Bradford, McCutchen DQ DQ DQ