March 4, 2017
DePauw-Tennis & Track Center - Greencastle, IN
200m (Flat)

Boys' 4 x 800 Relay

1 Zionsville A Jackson Martin, David McCullough, Joe Romanyk, Evan Tate Browning 8:05.98 6:43.37 9:48.04 7:12.53
2 Avon A Zach Kleyn, Rhys Grealish, Hunter Wakefield, Madison King 8:06.43 5:40.51 9:33.99 9:29.13
3 Terre Haute South Vigo A Thomas Haley, Ryan Hannaford, Carson Kline, Griffin Barger 8:16.06 7:31.42 8:06.14 8:45.83
4 Cascade A Sean Johnson, Steven Hutcheson, Ben Shepard, David Durham 8:32.97 8:22.71 9:19.14 10:10.44
5 Zionsville
B Adam Cash, Will Pitts, Cale Philips, Ayrton Birnbaum 8:41.57 6:41.61 7:18.12 8:31.14
6 Avon
B Keith Abramson, Jazz Briggs, Mitchell Demerly, Zach Fredbloom 8:41.80 6:31.35 8:00.06 8:15.71
7 Newton A Joseph Stone, Ben Carr, Tucker Rieman, Michael Koebele 8:52.70 10:28.59 8:36.72 11:32.51
8 Christian Academy of Indiana A 8:56.62 8:13.69 8:24.43 8:13.69
9 South Knox A Alton Hoops, Adam Hudson, Dawson Sparks, Zach Kirchoff 9:00.48 9:43.72 10:05.34 6:34.55
10 North Central (Indianapolis) A Alex Frey, Logan Rousu, Jacob Ruschhaupt, James Jackson 9:05.75 7:27.52 7:00.23 7:54.81
11 McCutcheon A Cody Cornell, Dylan Linder, Jon Maddox, Jake Ruble 9:10.27 11:05.83 8:48.26 8:04.24
12 Robinson A Lukas Baird, Wyatt Bonnell, Trayton Tragesser, Zach Buttolph 9:11.67 8:27.54 7:59.96 8:55.12
13 Zionsville
C Charles Sifferlen, Zach Leedy, Alex Hlade, Cole Whitesell 9:20.13 6:48.90 7:16.91 11:17.76
14 Zionsville
D Chris Bailey, Henry Davidson, Jason Holle, Trent Arnold 9:40.58 7:38.66 7:27.05 9:52.20
15 Avon
C Tim Wilson, Nathaniel Beeler, Andrew Wiggs, Matthew Monzingo 9:41.53 6:47.07 9:58.98 8:55.01
16 Casey-Westfield A Christian Cochonour, Justin Leland, Andrew Orrell, Cort Ross 9:44.24 8:57.50 9:38.40 6:48.97
17 Brown County A Nathan Kilburn, Will Normile, McCann Aaron, Timmy Kilburn 9:51.18 10:20.74 12:30.80 11:08.04
18 Cardinal Ritter (Indianapolis) A Mitchell Jacob, Michael Mark, Justin Bontempo, Solomon Aaron 9:51.49 10:50.64 7:05.88 12:19.37
19 Cascade
B Garry Gill, Alex Simon, Nathan Junod, Levi Priest 10:06.87 11:01.49 12:50.73 8:05.50
20 Christian Academy of Indiana
B 10:33.39 13:43.41 9:42.72 9:23.72
21 South Knox
B Logan Snyder, Trenton Faulkner, Anthony Ketchem, Josh Melvin 10:54.04 12:45.23 10:34.42 12:45.23
Boys' 4 x 800 Relay Section 1
1 Zionsville Martin, McCullough, Romanyk, Browning 7:22.25 8:05.98 6:48.23 9:18.88 5:49.91
2 Avon Kleyn, Grealish, Wakefield, King 9:14.53 8:06.43 10:22.63 7:51.84 10:12.91
3 Terre Haute South Vigo Haley, Hannaford, Kline, Barger 7:41.34 8:16.06 10:44.88 7:06.62 10:00.24
4 Cascade Johnson, Hutcheson, Shepard, Durham 9:24.27 8:32.97 10:46.35 10:41.22 10:10.44
7 Newton Stone, Carr, Rieman, Koebele 10:55.23 8:52.70 9:24.67 10:12.61 8:36.72
8 Christian Academy of Indiana 11:21.51 8:56.62 8:13.69 9:01.99 9:01.99
9 South Knox Hoops, Hudson, Sparks, Kirchoff 9:16.70 9:00.48 10:59.39 6:45.36 10:26.96
10 North Central (Indianapolis) Frey, Rousu, Ruschhaupt, Jackson 11:44.02 9:05.75 9:00.30 11:22.19 11:11.28
11 McCutcheon Cornell, Linder, Maddox, Ruble 10:16.31 9:10.27 11:11.33 11:27.84 11:44.35
12 Robinson Baird, Bonnell, Tragesser, Buttolph 11:51.66 9:11.67 10:12.36 9:28.22 10:56.49
16 Casey-Westfield Cochonour, Leland, Orrell, Ross 10:48.51 9:44.24 12:33.67 10:54.35 11:00.20
17 Brown County Kilburn, Normile, Aaron, Kilburn 9:39.36 9:51.18 12:13.07 12:30.80 11:08.04
18 Cardinal Ritter (Indianapolis) Jacob, Mark, Bontempo, Aaron 10:56.56 9:51.49 7:59.11 9:21.92 11:20.22
Boys' 4 x 800 Relay Section 2
5 Zionsville
Cash, Pitts, Philips, Birnbaum 8:41.57 8:46.79
6 Avon
Abramson, Briggs, Demerly, Fredbloom 8:41.80 8:36.59
13 Zionsville
Sifferlen, Leedy, Hlade, Whitesell 9:20.13 10:32.95
14 Zionsville
Bailey, Davidson, Holle, Arnold 9:40.58 9:46.39
15 Avon
Wilson, Beeler, Wiggs, Monzingo 9:41.53 12:06.92
19 Cascade
Gill, Simon, Junod, Priest 10:06.87 7:16.95
20 Christian Academy of Indiana
10:33.39 7:48.71
21 South Knox
Snyder, Faulkner, Ketchem, Melvin 10:54.04 13:11.39