March 10, 2012
Wabash-Knowling FH - Crawfordsville, IN
200m (Flat)

Boys' 3200 Meters

1 Nick Kirkpatrick Senior Brebeuf Jesuit 7:03.57 9:40.23 8:59.62
2 Zack Snider Freshman Brebeuf Jesuit 8:31.74 9:48.20 9:07.03
3 Jeremy Johnson Senior Austin 11:26.82 9:52.08 8:52.88
4 Elliott Browning Senior Carmel 11:03.58 9:52.48 12:14.68
5 Karson Tays Junior Columbus North 7:24.90 9:53.20 9:47.27
6 Ross Hughes Junior Avon 8:30.58 9:53.69 10:53.06
7 Aaron Crull Senior Carmel 12:48.52 9:55.75 9:14.05
8 Alex Cordova Junior Hobart 8:22.66 10:05.61 9:47.45
9 Matthew Lang Sophomore Brebeuf Jesuit 9:23.93 10:06.37 11:49.46
10 Josh Vahle Senior Carmel 10:18.83 10:06.69 12:01.97
11 Ethan Worthington Sophomore Westfield 11:03.30 10:08.53 9:01.60
12 Jordan Mueller Junior Avon 7:37.31 10:09.74 11:41.20
13 Brian Coleman Senior Carmel 12:20.30 10:16.91 12:38.80
14 Jacob Vahle Senior Carmel 7:18.04 10:16.95 8:44.41
15 William Coffey Sophomore Brebeuf Jesuit 7:18.66 10:17.82 12:21.39
16 Zach Spain Junior Hobart 9:54.16 10:18.91 11:45.56
17 Sam Sobczak Senior Westfield 13:06.43 10:19.23 11:02.58
18 Austin Stewart Junior Rossville 8:23.10 10:21.11 12:25.34
19 Ben Booher Sophomore Carmel 13:06.69 10:24.35 8:56.95
20 Damon Horn Freshman Warren Central 10:34.16 10:27.88 13:04.85
21 Josh Horowitz Sophomore Carmel 10:28.55 10:28.55 9:25.70
22 Eric Kinn Senior Carmel 9:57.66 10:29.11 12:03.48
23 Craig Tierney Senior Westfield 10:23.86 10:30.16 10:36.47
24 Matthew Egan Sophomore Warren Central 9:29.05 10:32.27 8:00.53
25 Kyle Taylor Senior Brebeuf Jesuit 11:20.38 10:35.87 11:26.74
26 Alex Cashbaugh Sophomore Carmel 8:54.83 10:36.70 10:11.24
27 Alex Chabraja Junior Int'l School of Indiana 9:02.63 10:38.38 12:52.44
28 Zach Nay Senior Plainfield 11:56.26 10:39.51 9:54.75
29 Spencer Watson Senior Plainfield 11:56.39 10:39.63 8:38.10
30 Solomon Heffernan Freshman Rossville 12:57.95 10:42.93 11:27.94
31 Christopher Tatum Sophomore Greenfield-Central 11:21.58 10:49.12 12:20.00
32 Matthew Gartenhaus Freshman Brebeuf Jesuit 13:06.25 10:49.79 13:32.24
33 Michael Michaud Junior Indianapolis Scecina Memorial 13:31.60 10:54.51 11:40.33
34 JT Sargent Freshman Franklin Community 12:32.22 10:59.84 13:31.61
35 Keshav Prahalad Freshman Westfield 11:27.28 11:00.84 11:47.10
36 Johnnie Wert Junior Warren Central 13:30.04 11:03.96 9:37.65
37 John Kennedy Senior Indianapolis Scecina Memorial 13:58.85 11:05.75 9:52.52
38 Jacob Dorsey Junior Indianapolis Arsenal Technical 9:09.14 11:09.68 14:30.59
39 Chris Ferguson Sophomore Shelbyville 13:19.01 11:11.43 8:16.86
40 Micheal Ketiku Senior Pike 8:40.49 11:15.96 10:55.69
41 Caleb Hawes Junior Jeffersonville 12:54.50 11:19.38 14:16.02
42 Todd Gardner Sophomore Evansville Bosse 11:02.48 11:22.97 12:51.76
43 Luke Shambough Freshman Greenfield-Central 8:24.73 11:31.40 13:28.94
44 Donovan Helfer Sophomore Waldron 9:36.47 11:34.54 14:00.40
45 Josh Payne   Plainfield 9:24.53 11:36.95 14:31.19
46 Chris Taylor Senior Jeffersonville 13:13.96 11:42.62 14:24.23
47 Logan Brinker Freshman Pendleton Heights 11:46.71 12:01.13 9:15.27
48 Alex Brun Junior Brebeuf Jesuit 9:21.08 12:38.21 9:36.24
49 Langston Bell Junior Indianapolis Arsenal Technical 10:04.22 12:54.64 9:40.98
50 Graham Turner Sophomore Int'l School of Indiana 14:16.80 13:13.33 14:48.53
51 Isaiah Halicki Sophomore Knightstown 14:42.01 13:14.60 14:18.17
52 John Smith Sophomore Knightstown 12:37.65 13:34.67 17:39.08
Boys' 3200 Meters Section 1
1 Nick Kirkpatrick Senior Brebeuf Jesuit 9:40.23
2 Zack Snider Freshman Brebeuf Jesuit 9:48.20
3 Jeremy Johnson Senior Austin 9:52.08
4 Elliott Browning Senior Carmel 9:52.48
5 Karson Tays Junior Columbus North 9:53.20
6 Ross Hughes Junior Avon 9:53.69
7 Aaron Crull Senior Carmel 9:55.75
8 Alex Cordova Junior Hobart 10:05.61
10 Josh Vahle Senior Carmel 10:06.69
11 Ethan Worthington Sophomore Westfield 10:08.53
12 Jordan Mueller Junior Avon 10:09.74
13 Brian Coleman Senior Carmel 10:16.91
14 Jacob Vahle Senior Carmel 10:16.95
16 Zach Spain Junior Hobart 10:18.91
17 Sam Sobczak Senior Westfield 10:19.23
18 Austin Stewart Junior Rossville 10:21.11
22 Eric Kinn Senior Carmel 10:29.11
23 Craig Tierney Senior Westfield 10:30.16
26 Alex Cashbaugh Sophomore Carmel 10:36.70
Boys' 3200 Meters Section 2
9 Matthew Lang Sophomore Brebeuf Jesuit 7:59.04 10:54.88 11:25.20 13:02.22 9:36.06 11:00.95 10:06.37
15 William Coffey Sophomore Brebeuf Jesuit 12:46.10 10:05.47 8:08.08 8:01.90 11:25.78 8:14.26 10:17.82
19 Ben Booher Sophomore Carmel 11:08.06 13:25.42 7:48.27 13:25.42 11:14.30 12:04.25 10:24.35
20 Damon Horn Freshman Warren Central 7:57.19 9:25.10 7:25.80 12:58.58 13:04.85 11:43.23 10:27.88
21 Josh Horowitz Sophomore Carmel 8:29.13 8:03.99 9:50.84 8:35.42 8:41.70 8:29.13 10:28.55
24 Matthew Egan Sophomore Warren Central 10:19.63 11:29.18 9:29.05 12:38.73 9:03.76 13:41.96 10:32.27
25 Kyle Taylor Senior Brebeuf Jesuit 12:17.61 10:54.95 7:50.55 8:41.42 11:45.82 9:19.57 10:35.87
27 Alex Chabraja Junior Int'l School of Indiana 13:37.13 11:03.92 8:56.24 11:03.92 10:57.54 8:30.71 10:38.38
28 Zach Nay Senior Plainfield 12:34.63 7:53.24 7:46.85 9:35.56 9:22.77 13:13.00 10:39.51
29 Spencer Watson Senior Plainfield 12:15.58 12:34.77 9:16.48 10:20.45 10:26.84 11:05.22 10:39.63
35 Keshav Prahalad Freshman Westfield 9:21.72 8:02.42 13:46.05 9:15.11 11:27.28 8:35.46 11:00.84
36 Johnnie Wert Junior Warren Central 12:50.20 14:03.23 9:57.57 7:58.06 9:31.01 8:11.33 11:03.96
38 Jacob Dorsey Junior Indianapolis Arsenal Technical 10:16.11 9:49.32 12:43.44 12:23.35 11:43.17 14:03.80 11:09.68
39 Chris Ferguson Sophomore Shelbyville 8:37.01 12:38.72 11:45.01 13:05.58 12:32.01 12:45.43 11:11.43
44 Donovan Helfer Sophomore Waldron 12:50.94 13:11.78 13:39.56 10:25.09 9:29.53 9:15.64 11:34.54
Boys' 3200 Meters Section 3
30 Solomon Heffernan Freshman Rossville 10:42.93 12:19.37
31 Christopher Tatum Sophomore Greenfield-Central 10:49.12 8:00.35
32 Matthew Gartenhaus Freshman Brebeuf Jesuit 10:49.79 8:07.35
33 Michael Michaud Junior Indianapolis Scecina Memorial 10:54.51 10:21.79
34 JT Sargent Freshman Franklin Community 10:59.84 7:48.49
37 John Kennedy Senior Indianapolis Scecina Memorial 11:05.75 12:52.27
40 Micheal Ketiku Senior Pike 11:15.96 10:21.89
41 Caleb Hawes Junior Jeffersonville 11:19.38 10:38.62
42 Todd Gardner Sophomore Evansville Bosse 11:22.97 11:43.46
43 Luke Shambough Freshman Greenfield-Central 11:31.40 13:08.20
45 Josh Payne   Plainfield 11:36.95 14:10.28
46 Chris Taylor Senior Jeffersonville 11:42.62 10:18.31
47 Logan Brinker Freshman Pendleton Heights 12:01.13 10:12.96
48 Alex Brun Junior Brebeuf Jesuit 12:38.21 14:54.69
49 Langston Bell Junior Indianapolis Arsenal Technical 12:54.64 12:46.90
50 Graham Turner Sophomore Int'l School of Indiana 13:13.33 16:47.53
51 Isaiah Halicki Sophomore Knightstown 13:14.60 17:12.98
52 John Smith Sophomore Knightstown 13:34.67 12:05.06